Commodity Live Prices | Real Time Commodities | Commodity Quotes | IFCM Tanzania
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Live Commodity Prices

Real-time commodity prices allow traders to always and everywhere be aware of all the changes in the commodity market. Below the table provides complete information on live commodity quotes: commodity name (oil, gas, wheat, etc.), live price, the highest/lowest price, chart, etc.

Live Prices - Real-time Commodities

InstrumentNameOpen priceToday, max.Today, min.Live PriceChange, dailyChart
#C-BRENT Brent Crude --- --- --- --- ---
#C-COCOA Cocoa --- --- --- --- ---
#C-COFFEE Coffee --- --- --- --- ---
#C-COPPER Copper --- --- --- --- ---
#C-CORN Corn --- --- --- --- ---
#C-COTTON Cotton --- --- --- --- ---
#C-HEATOIL Heating Oil --- --- --- --- ---
#C-NATGAS Natural Gas --- --- --- --- ---
OIL WTI --- --- --- --- ---


InstrumentName SellBuyUpdated, CETChart
#C-LCATTLE Cattle Futures ---------
#C-LHOG Hog Futures ---------
#C-OATS OATS ---------
#C-ORANGE Orange Juice ---------
#C-RICE Rice Investments ---------
#C-ROBUSTA Robusta Coffee ---------
#C-SOYB Soybean Trade ---------
#C-SOYBM Soybean Meal ---------
#C-SUGAR SUGAR ---------
#C-WHEAT WHEAT ---------

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