Ferrari N.V. Stock Price History | RACE Historical Data | IFCM Tanzania
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Ferrari N.V. Stock Price History

Ferrari N.V. Historical Data

You can see 24 days of Ferrari N.V. stock price history to determine the stock opening price for each day, i.e. the price at which the stock first trades at the opening of the exchange on the trading day, the highest price of the day is the highest price traded during that period, and the lowest price is the lowest price traded during that period and the closing price, i.e. the last price at which Ferrari N.V. stock trades during a normal trading session. In the last column of the table you will see the percentage change - the ratio of today's closing price to the previous one.

About Ferrari N.V. Stocks

Ferrari N.V. is a company of the Ferrari Group. The holding manufactures sports cars. For the beginning of 2016 9 models of sports and street-legal cars are being offered. Ferrari N.V. was founded in 2013 registered in Netherlands and owns 100% shares of the main company Ferrari S.p.A., founded in 1929 by Enzo Ferrari.
The Ferrari logo is the prancing horse on a yellow background. Red is the traditional color of the cars, but the company produces cars of other colors too. Ferrari factories are located in Maranello and Modena, Italy. The vehicles are manufactured through the dealing network, comprised of 182 authorized dealers with 204 points of sale.
Shares of Ferrari N.V. are listed in the NYSE under the RACE symbol. In January 2016 the market capitalization of the company was 7.7B of U.S. dollars. The company is headquartered in Maranello, Italy.

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